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Browse Machines

467 Big Top

Manufacturer: Gottlieb
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: January, 1964
Production Run: 750
11 Auction Results · 6 Picture and Video Files · 3 Active Auctions

487 Bank-A-Ball

Manufacturer: Gottlieb
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: Sepetember, 1965
Production Run: 3,400
30 Auction Results · 14 Picture and Video Files · 2 Active Auctions

493 Big Valley

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: May, 1970
Production Run: 2,500
47 Auction Results · 25 Picture and Video Files · 2 Active Auctions

501 Bow and Arrow

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: November, 1975
Production Run: 7,630
97 Auction Results · 41 Picture and Video Files · 6 Active Auctions

525 Big Daddy

Manufacturer: Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: Sepetember, 1963
Production Run: 1,850
12 Auction Results · 6 Picture and Video Files · 8 Active Auctions

543 Bazaar

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: October, 1966
Production Run: 2,925
6 Auction Results · 4 Picture and Video Files · 1 Active Auctions

547 Bonanza

Manufacturer: Gottlieb
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: June, 1964
Production Run: 2,640
9 Auction Results · 5 Picture and Video Files · 2 Active Auctions

557 Buck Rogers

Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company
Type: Solid State Electronic
Production Date: January, 1980
Production Run: 7,410
114 Auction Results · 56 Picture and Video Files · 5 Active Auctions

567 Boomerang

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: December, 1974
Production Run: 2,585
38 Auction Results · 13 Picture and Video Files · 3 Active Auctions

573 Bongo

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Type: Electro-mechanical
Production Date: March, 1964
Production Run: 1,050
4 Auction Results · 2 Picture and Video Files · 1 Active Auctions