12 Data East

Manufacturer Details Pinball Machines Manufacturer Employees

Top Pinball Machines

Rank Game Name Popularity
30 Jurassic Park
51 Star Wars
55 Guns N' Roses
63 Tales from the Crypt
105 Maverick
125 The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
129 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
141 Last Action Hero
179 The Simpsons
224 Hook

Top Employees

Rank Name Machines
4 Lonnie D. Ropp 86
13 Lyman F. Sheats Jr. 45
15 John Borg 47
18 Brian Schmidt 45
19 Kevin OConnor 38
20 David Thiel 46
26 Joe Kaminkow 36
33 Kurt Andersen 30
35 Paul Faris 31
37 Margaret Hudson 27

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Manufacturer Details Pinball Machines Manufacturer Employees